A very interesting story was posted yesterday on the 'Utica Sux" forum: the story of how a local entrepreneur came up with a very ingenious device -- only to get dithering from our elected and unelected officials. The upshot is that it was an opportunity lost that North Carolina has seized upon. . More of the same old same old. . . . Give it a read, and you will be angry.
I live in NC and yeah, this area picks up on the stuff CNY lets slide. Good for NC, sad for my hometown. That's the reason, though, that I've lived in NC for the last 10 years, and even built a house here. I'd love to be in NY, but....well, you know.
Isn't anyone the lest bit supicious that maybe politicians in CNY are doing these things on purpose? How many years are people going to chalk all this up to incompetence and "typical CNY" antics?
Isn't anyone wondering why the leaders of NY are purposely digging our graves? Could it possibly be to make Upstate a chattel for NYC and the Northeast or for Homeland Security?
Isn't anyone wondering the least bit?
As long as we have thIS incompetent Republican "leadership"...Upstate New York will continue to be in a state of disarray - perhaps, intentionally planned.
Our local politicians in power don't give a damn about the people who live here. Their only interest is in getting re-elected. Picente is a perfect example of a bureaucratic idiot!
Thats amazing! How many jobs would something like that make?
I cant believe they let that slip thru their fingers.Does this mean its to late?
Why is it this whole story doesn't really sound true?
I can't verify the veracity of this particular story because I'm not privy to the details. I hope that more information will be forthcoming on the UticaSux Forum.
I posted the link because the story is consistent with others that I have heard over the years.
This AM I've temporarily removed the link to the story pending verification that a NC Angel Fund has accepted the project.
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