Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Gifts of Taxpayer's Money . . .

Isn't this nice? A few along Woods Highway gaining access to public water.
Taxpayers paid $100,000 for the first 1,300 feet of the water line to be installed on Woods Road, Highway Superintendent Roger Cleveland said.
Tell me . . . since when do the Taxpayers get charged with the construction of a water line to serve private residences and developments? Why isn't this a gift of public monies and facilities to private entities . . . something that our State Constitution expressly forbids?

It looks like we are going to get an answer to that question . . .

The gifts of public monies by the State of New York for "economic development" purposes is finally being made an issue by some folks out in Buffalo. Listed among the defendants are the Governor, the Assembly, the Senate, Dean Skelos, Sheldon Silver, Advanced Micro Devices, IBM, Bass Pro Shops, and others placed on the public dole. (I can think of a few more I would add to their list). Jim Ostrowski, a Buffalo Attorney (and blogger!) has had enough and is spearheading this -- with a rally today:
"Please join us at noon today in Niagara Square (Buffalo) for an impromptu rally and press conference. Bring pitchforks.

Maybe this could be the spark that ignites a true tax revolt."

My pitchfork is ready!


Anonymous said...

FINALLY! We've reached the point of pitchforks!!! Yay!

Anonymous said...

That is what it is actually going to take straighten out all of this mess, not just the taxes. A true revolt. If you look back in history there is actually a record of just that. Government by the people, for the people erodes. A few of the most powerful take advantage of the pervasive apathy and eventually you end up with the tail wagging the dog. When things get bad enough, even the most apathetic can no longer ignore it, and in the end they overthrow the government and start with a clean slate. Question is how long will it be before these lazy masses wake up and smell the tea?

Anonymous said...

Figure the cost of water as a payoff to the home owners on Woods Road who had there sleepy road turned into an expressway.

Anonymous said...

what about the proposed bridge off of 840 that is supposed to serve the new "business park?"

This is NOT economic development, but shuffling of existing businesses into "newer" quarters at the expense of existing infrastructure, while creating a demand for new infrastructure. Sprawl, by anyone's definition....

Anonymous said...

Strikeslip I just don't believe the incompetence I see from this crowd. Voting them out just seems to bring in a new bunch of yakjaws.

What is the solution? You and the other bloggers point out so many problems that are true concerns, and amazingly it seems to keep coming back to the same few names or families (Reeds etc).

Isn't all this tomfoolery something the State Attorney General should be sorting out? I don't mean this post in particular seems "legal" but somehow a crime noetheless. I mean the book cooking in NH is what? Too BORING to investigate for the police?
These people sell us and the land out and it seems a few get ahead while the rest of us are left with the costs and the disaster. This isn't government there this is criminal.