Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mr. Arcuri, NYRI & the Thruway

Per Tonight's OD Mr. Arcuri has written to the PSC asking for the Thruway to be considered as a route for the NYRI power line.
In the letter, Arcuri, Maurice Hinchey, D-Hurley, and John Hall, D-Dover Plains, said New York Regional Interconnect's contention that the Thruway isn't a viable alternative is wrong.
The question that should be answered: Why do these gentlemen think that the Thruway IS a viable alternative?


Anonymous said...

Strikeslip poses a good question. There should not be any alternatives. NYRI should be out of business.

Why legitimize the existence of NYRI at all? To offer the thruway route as a viable alternate power line route seems to backdoor legitimize NYRI’s right to deliver our power downstate.

Where has New York’s Empire State Development Corporation’s Upstate Guru Mr. Dan Gunderson been hiding? With Niagara Falls resembling war-torn Beirut with an Indian Casino in the middle of downtown, and the remainder of the upstate cities struggling to keep out of receivership, we should refrain from having our elected officials (who we elected to represent us) from legitimizing sending one of our best natural resources (generated hydro power) downstate. Dan Gunderson’s has officially condemned NYRI in past news interviews, but where is his voice in terms of being the tenacious upstate crusader for our economic development? Would it be too much to ask him to say . . . Hey Governor Spitzer, how about offering the downstate businesses, that require plentiful and economical hydro power to operate, a meaningful incentive to relocate to the upstate regions like Utica/Rome? When it comes to having ample power, we are better positioned to deliver this power from several hydro generating venues.

Come on Dan, act like the economic development advocate that we so handsomely pay you to be. Just because the Governor appointed you, it does not mean that you should remain relatively silent on this issue. Don’t be afraid to do your job and act as our advocate for a change. Become a real leader! Admonish our elected officials and show them the way to effectively fight the entitlement attitude that downstate demonstrated over taking our natural resources. Mobilize the Upstate County and City legislators and Mayors to join you in addressing the NYS Legislature and enthusiastically enlighten them of our urban plight. Let them know that we are also a part of the Empire State. Show us that appointing you was not just another political patronage drain on our tax dollars. Make believe that you work for the private sector. You know . . . if you don’t do your job that you will get fired. Hey look, what do you have to lose? It just might work out for us in the end.

Anonymous said...

Go greens and beans!

Rebecca Mecomber said...

I think a lot of the elected leaders knew about NYRI for quite some time before we did. There is some complicity here...