Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Utica History . . .

A big Welcome to "Historical Utica, NY," a new blog about . . . Utica History. In the first post, Utica-Post says:
"Like when you lose your keys, I believe, you must retrace your steps in order to find them. Well that's what I hope to come from this blog. I plan to retrace Utica's history with the hopes that those with the power to do so, will find their way again."
A nice thought. Here's another . . .

The future is built on the past, and "short cuts" seldom last.

It was many years out of school before I realized how important history was. Why waste time "learning by doing" when you can learn from what someone else has already done?

Utica-Post also promises that a new independent newspaper will be coming soon.

Good luck to these new ventures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...