Monday, December 06, 2021

Some Interesting Stats, an Old Article, and New Commentary . . .

 Compare these stats for the USA and some Western European countries with Nigeria and Taiwan and note where there are dramatic differences . . .  

Here is an Old Article (this past April) from Taiwan: Taiwan FDA distributing Hydroxychloroquine for free after WHO declares it ineffective for COVID treatment

... And some New Commentary (Yesterday) from Dr. Ben Carson on Sunday Morning Futures: On Fox News, Ben Carson says there should be less emphasis on vaccines and more on hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin

Dr. Carson thinks our officials have "tunnel vision" with their focus on vaccines and exclusion of alternatives.

I think it's something else.

What do you think?


Unknown said...

One comment, and regarding Nigeria's information only: The whole continent of Africa is heavily plagued by malaria, and therefore have some condition in place that should be considered. Last I visited Africa, decades ago,all drinks, soft-drinks, beer, bottled water etc. was enhanced with Quinine, and I believe this is still the case. Quinine is similar, if not the same as Hydroxychloroquine, and regular consumption of any regular liquids will give the population in Africa a dose of prevention regularly. Just throwing this in here as science appear to look for other more complex and costly solutions.

Strikeslip said...

I think you are right. I've seen articles remarking on how scientists are "scratching their heads" over the low Covid numbers in certain African countries that are also high in malaria -- but no curiosity at all over whether or not there could be a connection. Dr. Simone Gold, one of the founders of American's Frontline Doctors who early on called for distribution of HCQ, first speculated that the free distribution of HCQ in these places might be connected to low Covid cases -- but no one seemed interested -- and she lost her ER job. You've brought up another angle. I was not aware that quinine enhanced a lot of local beverages. Great Information!!! Thank you!