Here are 3 things to know that you are not being told:
1) Current MVWA customers and the planned Quad-C and AMS projects do not need a larger transmission line, as there is already enough capacity to serve them.
Both the population and number of industries served by MVWA have declined from their peak several decades ago, resulting in a decrease in water demand from about 23 MGD to just under 19 MGD. The current system is capable of producing up to 32 MGD with about 8 MGD lost to leaks.
2) Current MVWA customers are being forced to pay for someone else's water infrastructure needs.
Since we customers do not need the larger transmission line for our own needs, and since MVWA's primary source of income is our water bills, we are being forced to pay for the infrastructure needs of the local elite who run the MVWA and their friends, including the speculative "build it and they will come" dreams of our local politicians.
3) People in Herkimer County will pay in lost recreation and associated business income, lost power generation, and infringement of common law water rights.
Hinckley Reservoir was built to serve Canal purposes, not be MVWA's reservoir. Of all the non-Canal uses, only MVWA removes water from the Hinckley Reservoir - West Canada Creek system. Formerly MVWA was required to replace what it removed from Hinckley during dry weather with water from its own reservoir-- a reservoir that was required to be expanded to almost 1/4 the size of Hinckley itself as MVWA increased its water withdrawals. Since the State has eliminated this requirement, as MVWA ramps up its water withdrawals, water levels on Hinckley Reservoir will be low more frequently than they are now interfering with recreation, water uses and related business income on the West Canada Creek likely will be curtailed, hydropower generation will be reduced, and landowners along the creek will not have the amount of water flowing by their properties to which they are entitled by common law.
In sum, the politicians and elites who control the MVWA are using it to prey upon individuals and businesses to benefit themselves and their friends.
If this didn't hurt the area so much it would be laughable. It is like the credit company helping a person headed for bankruptcy, with raising their credit card limits. A larger pipe will not replenish the lost water in Hinckley Reservoir or lower the water usage rates for the consumers of the Mohawk Valley Water Authority.
I saw a Utica OD article in the early January of this year where the MVWA stated that 1/2 of the water that they supplied was leaked thru their delivery system. That's 8 million gallons a day or to get a idea of the quantity a million gallons is 51 square foot. That's 51' x 51' x 51' times 8 of those cubes of water. Maybe fixing the leaks in Utica and the surrounding area would be more sensible?
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