Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bring the Money to US . . .

A quick little video that explains how our US tax system is killing jobs . . .


Anonymous said...

even worse are the US corporations who set up their main offices overseas to avoid paying taxes in the US, and there are a TON of HUGE ones doing this.

Bouncer said...

Uh ... so we should encourage companies to go overseas by allowing them to get taxed less than if they stayed here? Wouldn't a Territorial Tax system encourage more moves overseas? Why does the video tout bringing money into the U.S. and not mention the jobs that would be leaving? Is it slanted toward money for banks rather than jobs for people? I know it's politics rather than science, but if your company didn't face a total tax at the US tax rate, wouldn't you move your operation to Burundi? Wouldn't everyone move to Burundi?