Monday, December 20, 2010

Barnes Ave. Bungling 3 . . .

OD: Barnes Ave. businesses have 2 weeks to vacate 
The bridge, closed to the public because of safety concerns since Nov. 28, will be shut off completely from a collection of auto salvage yards and a waste hauler at the end of this year.
And though there will be some reimbursements, the eminent domain process does not make up for lost income, state officials said this week.
“We compensate for the property value and moving expenses,” said state Department of Transportation Spokesman Anthony Ilacqua.
Most small businesses fail.  It is trial and error until it is gotten right.  But when it is gotten right, they are self sustaining, reliably employ people, and become nuclei around which other entrepreneurs cluster to begin the same trial-and-error process until there are survivors among themselves.  Over time, a web of relationships develop with customers and businesses that becomes self-reinforcing.  The value of a business is more than property and inventory.  Its most important part is what used to be called "good will" -- the web of relationships.  The web is often irreparably disrupted when government takes a property, changes a traffic pattern, or changes a rule. 
For a state that professes to be soooo concerned about "economic development" and preserving jobs, and is willing to spend a Million Dollars a job to attract new jobs in some places, how easily it is for them to simply sweep away the years' long efforts of some people.

When government says it cares about jobs -- don't believe it.


Anonymous said...

Good stuff and TOO true!

Anonymous said...

and (NYS) professes to being "environmenatlly friendly" too -- and there goes the major access to the Utica Marsh, another unique and beautiful community environmental asset. They've know the bridge was failing for eons -- DOT at it's most inept.

Anonymous said...

"New York loves small business" - Like a deer hunter loves deer!!!

Anonymous said...

City of Utica officials forced CSI to move it's trucks to the Barnes Ave location when thy knew damn well that the bridge was unsafe & was going to be closed. I think that pretty well sums up the incompetence that runs rampant in City Hall.